I’m Enough

I'm Enough(Image found on Google search)

Every day before I leave my kids there is a mantra that I have them say.  “I can do anything in the world that I want to do.  I’m enough, I’m enough, I’m enough!”  The purpose for me doing that is to build their self-esteem.  I also want them to know that there is power in their words.  Lastly, if you say anything often enough, you will eventually believe it.  

This weekend I had a conversation with my daughter asking her does she know what she is actually saying when she speaks this mantra.  She said no, which wasn’t a big deal.  I commended her for her honesty.  Then I realized that I need to give a greater explanation as to why I have my kids do what I have them do.  

The best way that I was able to explain it to her is by taking her to the Word of God.  So I had her read Genesis 1:26 which states, “Then God said, ‘Let Us make man in Our own image, according to Our likeness…” 27 So God created man in His Own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.”

Then I had her go to verse 31 which states,”Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good…”

From there, I took her to Psalm 139:13-14 that says, “For You formed my inwards parts; You covered me in my mother’s womb.  I praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, and that my soul knows very well.”

I had her read these verses several times so that they would begin to sink into her spirit.  Then I asked her was anything or anyone greater than God?  She replied, “No.”  I went on to explain to her that she was created in the image of the Most High God.  Showing and telling her that after God created her He said she was very good.  We talked about this for a little while longer.

Finally, our conversation conclude with me asking her about the mantra again.  I reaffirmed that she is enough.  Not because of anything that she has done or said, but because she was created in the image of the Most High God.  He said that she was good.  He created her to be enough.  I told her I don’t care who it is, if they don’t think that she’s enough, they are not worth her time and or energy.  

There are so many struggling with self-worth.  There are so many that feel less than.  As I shared with my beautiful daughter, God created you to be more than enough.  It’s time that we take pride in ourselves.  Not in an arrogance manner, but one of value.  You are enough.  You are of value.  You are valued.  You must value yourself.  Once you believe in you and your self-worth, there is nothing that anyone can say or do to put you down.  

I challenge you to say what I have my kids say as often as possible.

I’m Enough
I’m Enough

Once you begin to believe that, your life will begin to transforms in ways that you never imagined!

Love you, be blessed! – AWS 04.17.17

Too Late

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Contrary to what is usually said, there are times when it’s too late.  So do what you can in the now, because sadly tomorrow doesn’t always come.  You have to power to make today both memorable and beneficial to everyone that you encounter.  Use your power wisely!  Let’s make today great on purpose!

Love you, be blessed! – AWS 04.14.17

Habits Define Us

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A very powerful statement.  When you consider a habit, it is so intentional that it becomes second nature.  We don’t have to think about how to perform because those actions are embedded so deep within us.  What do our habits say about us?  Are they habits of quality, or habits of disgrace?  Let’s make today great on purpose!

Love you, be blessed! – AWS 04.12.17

Exceedingly and Abundantly

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None of us were created to be mediocre.  We were created to EXCEED.  We were created to EXCEL.  We were created to look average in the face and say, we were not created to dwell in the same space.  Mediocre is comfortable, but comfortable never wins the prize.  Go get your prize as average jealously looks up to you!  We are created to be exceedingly and abundantly above all.  Let’s make today greater on purpose!

Love you, be blessed!  – AWS 04.11.17

Black and White

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Some things really are black and white.  Either you are, or you aren’t.  Either you do or you don’t.  But no matter what it is, it is your choice.  It is the reward or consequence that you have earned.  So earn greatness, because the opposite isn’t even worth speaking about!
Let’s make today great on purpose!

Love you, be blessed! – AWS 04.10.17