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Sometimes stubbornness works in your favor.  The trick is knowing when to hold on to it, and when to let it go.  Your goals are your goals for a reason, hold on to them tightly.  But remember, there is never only one set way to get to a destination.  We have to adjust to the bumps in the road, detours, and delays.  Never waiver on your goals and dreams.  Cherish the journey and the unexpected ways it may take to get you there.  Because in the end, it will all work in your favor!

Love you, be blessed! — AWS 01.25.16



I’m certain that we all have amazing spiritual fathers and leaders in our lives.  I’m certain that they deliver the true Word of God that He has placed in their hearts.  I am certain that we esteem them, hold them in great regard.  There is nothing wrong with that at all.  The issue however, is when we hold them to a greater standard than we do for ourselves.  We can do all the wrong in the world, then turn around and ask them to pray with and for us, without judgment.  This happens daily.  But you know what else happens daily.  Spiritual fathers and leaders stumble.  And the reality is, it may be for no other reason than them being human.  The Word of God says this:

Romans 3:23 (NKJV) For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God…

This is what happens,  people put spiritual fathers and leaders in God’s seat.   People expect them to do no wrong.  Don’t misunderstand, I am in no way justifying the inappropriate behavior of anyone (myself included).  What I am saying however, is the same grace and mercy that we as people want offered to us, is the same grace and mercy that we as people need to extend to our spiritual fathers and leaders.

We, within ourselves build up and exalt our spiritual fathers and leaders to a level that there were never meant to be on.  We place them above mistakes.  We place them above temptations.  We place them above disappointment.  We place them above flesh, but they were made just like us.  It’s a conundrum to me.  The world does the same thing in regards to Christianity.  When the world sees something that they don’t like, the first thing they say is, “And the call themselves a Christian! He/she is supposed to be saved!”  it makes one look back at the world like, “Really?!?”  It’s a lot of pressure to be perfect.  Our spiritual fathers and leaders get a double dose others EXPECTING them to be perfect.  It’s a lot of pressure!!!

You know the old adage, “Those who know better, do better”.  As men of God, we know better.  It is our job to set the tone of forgiveness to everyone.  It is our job to constantly pray for our spiritual fathers and leaders, that they don’t fall.  But in the occasion that one or some of our spiritual fathers and leaders does fall, it is our job as men of God to show the world that the gift of grace and mercy is worth re-gifting!

The world by itself inflicts and abundance of pressure on all of use.  There is no need to place additional pressure on others, especially when they are watching for our souls.  It’s past time to start saturating our coverings in prayer.  A good son mimics his father.  A good student mimics his teacher.  Our spiritual fathers and leaders pray with and for us, without judgment.  Let’s show others how beautiful things could be if we re-gift the grace and mercy that is afforded to us!

Love you, Be Blessed! — AWS 01.20.16

In Everything!


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1 Thessalonians 5:18

In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

So often as adults we utter the words, “Kids today are so ungrateful.” And we think that we were something different when we were younger.  However the reality is, ungrateful kids grow up to be ungrateful adults, if true revelations fail to come.  This verse says, “In EVERYTHING” we are to be thankful. That means, in our rocky marriages, we STILL thank God for the spouse that He has given.  That means, in jobs that may be unfulfilling, we STILL give thanks to God for what He has provided.  We could be on that tangent for days.

To give thanks, what is that really?  What does that truly me?  It goes far beyond merely saying thank you.  Giving thanks truly, means that we cherish whatever it is that we are thankful for.  So with the previous examples, being thankful for our spouse means we continue to honor them as we did when we first started pursuing them.  It means that we continue pursuing them.  We CHOOSE to love (agape). We continue to meet their needs even when we are pissed off, even when times seem as if we are at our worse.  The same would apply with employment.  The gratitude that we have on day one thousand and one, should be equal to or great than the appreciation that we had on day one.  Honestly speaking, the days in between will not always be sunshine.  They will not always be filled with people singing your praises.  To expect a daily walk in the part is beyond unrealistic.  But what is very realistic is our ability to have control over attitude and appreciation.

Romans 8:28 says, “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.

The good.  The bad.  The ugly.  The magnificent. It all works to our good.  We will not always enjoy the experience, but we MUST always be grateful for the journey.  In EVERYTHING, give thanks!

Love you, be blessed — AWS   01.13.16

Laying The Foundation


A few days ago, a gentleman asked, “How are you and the family?”  My response was, “We’re focusing on laying the foundation in 2016 so that we can build on solid ground in 2017 and beyond.”

One thing about me, that everyone close to me is fully aware of is that I am a dreamer. The dreams that are inside of me are not the everyday run of the mill dreams. No, they are massive galaxy, universal size dreams. While that is beautiful, it’s also been a bit futile.

Having a dream is useless if the dream is never implemented.  For years I’ve shared pieces of my dreams with others, hoping to find someone to help push the dream a little further. To this day, there has been no progress, which has taught me a lesson. IT’S MY DREAM! In the appropriate times all of the additives will be sent to bring them to life.  But before that can happen, I must first lay a solid foundation.

Therefore, to begin the construction process of erecting my lofty dreams I’ve done a studying. I’ve submerged myself in a few areas learning what I do and don’t like about the areas that it’s meant for me to be in. A wealth of knowledge has been gained already.

And I look forward to seeing the fruits of my labor.  But I wonder, how many other dreams are there in the world who are waiting on someone other than themselves to build their dream. I’ve come to discover that I can’t wait on anyone.  I can’t let anyone stand in the way of progress, not even myself.  There is too much riding on my dreams being fulfilled.  It’s the same for you.  We as dreamers are world changers! If we fail to accomplish what we’ve been ordained to do, the whole world suffers.

What blessings are we keeping from the world because we fail to move from dreamers to those who implement.


Love you, be blessed! — AWS


Peace Be Still!

Peace Be Still

Mark 4:35 On the same day, when evening had come, He said to them, “Let us cross over to the other side.” 36Now when they had left the multitude, they took Him along in the boat as He was. And other little boats were also with Him. 37And a great windstorm arose, and the waves beat into the boat, so that it was already filling. 38But He was in the stern, asleep on a pillow. And they awoke Him and said to Him, “Teacher, do You not care that we are perishing?” 39 Then He arose and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, “Peace, be still!” And the wind ceased and there was a great calm. 40 But He said to them, “Why are you so fearful? How is it that you have no faith?”

There are several things that we can take from this passage.  In life we go through a plethora of storms.  It doesn’t matter if our storms are financial, in marriage, health, or turmoil.  Whatever the storm, we simply need to remember that The Savior is with us.  At any time He as the power to speak to the storm, “Peace, be still!” But here’s the true beauty of it, He as gifted us the same ability to speak to our storms.  Speak life! Speak peace!

Love you, Be Blessed — AWS


From Dreams to Reality

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“I have a dream…”

Though I’m not Dr. King, I’ve had dreams, which is a beautiful thing.  The tragedy however, is that these dreams have been held captive inside of me.  They have not been charted.  They have not been mapped out.  They have not been put into action.  Thusly, creating a torturous nightmare.  

A Dream Deferred

 There have been dreams conceived inside of me.  As they mature through the different trimesters in life, birth must eventually come.  Every dream that resides within me are centered around two themes: 1. Transformation.  2. Opening doors.

Transformation – It’s not hard to see that our nation is experiencing some very difficult times.  Every time we turn on the television there numerous reports of violence, police brutality, and racial divide.  The human race is suffering a very slow death.  We as a human race are causing self-inflicted injuries to our body all because we place a greater value specific members of the body, verses valuing the body as a whole.

Romans 12:4-5 (NIV) Just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.

1 Corinthians 12:14-20 (NIV) Now the body is not made up of one part but of many.  If the foot should say, “Because I am not the hand, I do not belong to the body.”  It would not for that reason cease to be part of the body.  And if the ear should say, “Because I am not an eye, I do not belong to the body.” It would not for that reason cease to be part of the body.  If the whole body were an eye, where would the sense of hearing be? If the whole body were an ear, where would the sense of smell be?   But in fact God has arranged the parts in the body, every one of them, just as He wanted them to be.  If they were all one part, where would the body be?  As it is there are many parts, but one body.

My purpose in referencing scriptures is not to preach to you.  No, instead, it is to show that every person that has been created on this earth is equally valued.  Though each person may be different, we all have a purpose.  No one greater than any other.  We all have a purpose that works towards the common good of the whole.

There are so many different scenarios injustice and self-inflicted hurts that could be discuss.  Doing so would make this a never ending post.  Potentially, leaving both writer and audience depressed.  I don’t want any of us to be depressed.  Still, some issues have to be addressed.  

Throughout 2016 different topics will be discussed with the goal to create honest dialogue and generate a better future for all of our seeds.  The goal is to do my part in transforming the whole for the common good.

Opening Doors – In my opinion, there are far too many “No’s” in this world.  So many are simply looking for a chance.  A fair chance shouldn’t be too much to ask for.  Again, I want to do my part in transforming the whole for the common good.

In 2016 and beyond, my goal is to create businesses and business partnerships that would assist those looking for an opportunity to better themselves find employment that meets their needs. Employment that will force them to stretch and reach for more.  

To work hand and hand with the above, I will (and encourage others to) establish relationships with educational institutions from grade school to collegiate levels.  The purpose for these relationships is to give free training and experience to students. Doing so will help open the doors that will allow them to follow their dreams.  In the process, we will be able to teach the importance of giving back to others in our community.  

The positive turnover will be immeasurable! If we can build strong communities, we can build strong cities.  If we can build strong cities, we can build strong states.  If we can build strong states, we can build a strong nation.  If we can build a strong nation, we can build a strong world.  Ultimately, we will build self and mutual respect for others.

Time waits for no man.  So on today and every day to come, we all must do our part in moving From Dreams to Reality!

Love you, be blessed – AWS
