Seeing Vs Vision

My wife calls me a dreamer.  I’m not big on titles, but I’m good with that one.  Also, I agree with that one.  I’m at a crossroad in life.  I see where I am, and I don’t like the sight.  So, I question myself, “How do I move beyond where I am now?”  The answer came in two parts.  First, I must move beyond what my eyes see, and move towards the visions of my heart and mind.   

“What’s the difference?”, one might ask.  Great question!  Because we have a certain mastery of language, we often understand the meaning of a word, but our understanding grows sharper when we actually look words up.  I went to to view the definition of the word “SEE”.  The site defines it as: See = To perceive with the eyes; look at.  To view; visit or attend as a spectator.  Now with that definition, allow me to break down my previous statement further.  The latter part of the aforementioned definition says, “To view; visit or attend as a spectator.  Think about sports.  There are many positions or roles a person can find themselves in regarding sports.  One can be the athlete, coach, trainer, or referee.  One could be the announcer, videographer, ball person, or security.  However, there is one role that the majority of the population will find themselves in, that is the role of the spectator.  Depending on what the spectator sees, they may boo, cheer, or critique.  Though, whatever the spectator does, it has very little impact on the game. 

As a spectator, I see where I am.  I see where I’ve been.  There are a few things that I am able to cheer for.  But there is a greater portion that I boo and critique.  Just as the spectator of a game, my actions have done very little to change the outcome of what, or where I want to be.  Therefore, if I want change, I must shift from what I see to vision.

I went back to to look up VISION, and I love how they define it.  They define VISION as: The act or power of sensing with the eyes; sight.  The act or power of anticipating that which will or may come to be.  An experience in which a personage, thing, or event appears vividly or credibly to the mind, although not actually present, often under the influence of a divine or other agency.

There is so much that one can pull from these definitions.  I particularly love the second and third definitions.  I had to transition from being a spectator with little to no impact, to a visionary that could write the vision of what is to come.  Thus, the conclusion of my original statement, “…and move towards the visions of my heart and mind.”  

I am a firm believer in God.  I understand that in creating us, He has put something specific in us that makes our hearts sing.  I also understand that most, for a plethora of reasons, never get to their singing heart.  Being that my current field of work is not anything that moves or inspires me, my present heart isn’t singing.  However, the anticipation of things appearing vividly and credibly to my mind, although not actually present, both my future heart driven by present vision is crooning songs of joy.

But remember I said my answer came in two parts.  Vision, much like faith, has to be coupled with works in order for situations to change.  So, I mentally mapped out the vision.  I physically had to write out the vision.  I audibly had to speak the vision.  Now, I’m at the point of putting action behind the vision.  As I (hopefully, we) embark on the journey to a crooning heart, I don’t anticipate it to be a seamless transition.  It would be nice, but that’s unrealistic.  There will be times of falling short, and potentially discouragements.  But I speak overcoming over all of us who are coupling works with our visions.  May we find the strength to endure, and see our journeys to completion.  Now get busy!

Love you, be blessed – AWS

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