

It’s been a while! Transparency, 2020 into 2021 truly knocked me off balance. I felt grief for the first time and it’s not a pleasant experience. The beautiful news is, despite how difficult grief is, I made it. My heart and prayers go out to all that have experience grief during this pandemic. But much like me, you’re making it, even if your progress seem minimal. Don’t stop progressing!

I’m beyond excited to share with you a little bit about my continual progression. In finding my balance, I have FINALLY began the process of getting published! It is such an exciting journey. In reflecting on things, I have made the decision to walk away from my AWS handle. That choice wasn’t an easy one to make, but it is the right one. I have transitioned to A2.

A2 is the symbol for Author Arthur. Today, I actually launched a new website. You will see the site develop over time as I get closer to a release date. However, the site will provide links to my social media. Additionally, I am restarting my blog (again), sharing what’s on my heart and mind. Hopefully, the words written will continue to resonate with you!

With all of that, it is bittersweet to announce this is my official last post on WordPress. This site will remain open for you viewing pleasures. However, my new site will also have a link to bring you back to what has already been created. I invite all of you to meet me at It is a nice comfortable site. You will be able to get a better glimpse of me as a person, writer, and author. You will get all the updates on my future growth.

I thank each and every one of you for reading my words. Thank you for liking and commenting on my posts. Thank you for the encouragement that you have shared with me! Please connect with me at Subscribe so that you receive all of the wonderful updates that are on the way!

Cheers to my final WordPress signoff. Cheers to a brilliant future!

Love you, be blessed – AWS – A2

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